John F. Hopkins: Brilliantbranes: A Science Based Beme (Economic Replicator) to Stimulate Smart Individuals to Easily Contribute to a Process of Positive Societal Change

Brilliantbranes: A Science Based Beme (Economic Replicator) to Stimulate Smart Individuals to Easily Contribute to a Process of Positive Societal Change

Author: John F. Hopkins
Number of Pages: 268 pages
Published Date: 01 Apr 2016
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Country: United States
Language: English
ISBN: 9781530571888
Download Link: Click Here

Contemporary science has assisted in the exposure of self-destructive mechanisms within capitalist market economies. In addition, physical and bio-logical science has, in its informational processes, assisted in pointing the way to a new form of capitalism, to generate greater growth and societal wealth.By ignoring this science, capitalist market economies will inevitably disinte-grate and collapse, to be replaced by, at best, a patch-work of ineffective and uncoordinated markets, or at worst, a dominant hegemony from the extreme left or right.The aim of this book is to emancipate the reader’s intellect, by exposing and explaining the real world which is generally and naturally hidden. Such in-sights should, at the least enact an attitudinal change, or hopefully provoke a stimulus for progressive action. Action as such that may be easily implemented publicly or anonymously.It is hoped to firstly, inform the reader, as to the real operational processes hidden beneath the façade of classical physics, thus giving them a raison d’être for action. And secondly, to arm all with a methodology for the imple-mentation of progressive initiatives.Human needs and desires driven by, ‘Survival’, ‘Sex’, ‘Status’, and ‘Symbol-ism’ are by and large the human processes that enact changes in our world. The development of trade, from the quid-pro-quo exchanges by our ancestors to today’s market economies, plays a pivotal role in fulfilling human needs and desires. However, while we humans have our genes as biological replica-tors, and memes as cultural replicators, we do not have, built in, economic replicators. Economic replicators may be designated as ‘BEMEs’ (beneficial economic multiplying entropies).BEME implementation will harmoniously transform capitalism from within, to a dynamic new form, for growth and prosperity.